Imagine if you will that somewhere in the far reaches of the universe Superman and Zeus ejaculated, in unison, on a unicorn horn. That unicorn horn is then pounded into a fine powder by Thor's hammer and the powder is transferred via Pegasus to the Goddess Athena. Athena uses the powder to inseminate herself. Within minutes a child is born. A fully formed man child. He is delivered to earth on the Millennium Falcon where Obi Wan Kenobi discovers that this gifted man child, wonder of the gods, has the highest medi-chlorian count in the history of time. This man child is dropped deep in the jungles of Central America. After honing his abilities, having many civilizations form around him, worship him, and then perish over hundreds of years, and fighting both Predator and Alien and winning, this immortal man-god-beast finds his way to Cuba, learns the game of baseball, and is signed by the Los Angeles Dodgers. This thunder god is Yasiel Puig.
Manbearpuig is hands down the best prospect to burst onto the major league scene this year. He puts up amazing stats. He leads the league in most times feared by Chuck Norris and times Bo Jackson has cried himself to sleep in a combination of fear and awe thinking of him. Two highly important, but vastly underrated categories, and frankly if you aren't into advanced sabermetrics, you've probably never even heard of them, but you know who has? Bill James, and he knows everything.
His only flaw is that he is not currently on my fantasy roster. That's a pretty big negative, and I'm not sure he'll overcome it. Unless of course his current owner will come to his senses and see that Brandon Morrow is a fair straight up trade. Then and only then will Puig realize his true potential. Until then, he's just another prospect, called up, making his mark on the league and falling in somewhere behind the two rookies on my roster who, together, are just clearing the Mendoza line.
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